Thoughts on Modern Survival

We live in troubling times. Politically, ecologically, socially, we are barraged with bad news and tragedy and trauma 24/7 through multiple outlets. Often this leaves us feeling overwhelmed and powerless. I thought I’d write a little something on magical and mundane tips to manage the despair.

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Cleansing is a powerful way to help remove things that are not ours but that are sticking to our energetic bodies. A conversation, a bad dream, a training on sexual harassment…everyday events have a way of leaving their mark. As “everyday events” become more hostile, violent, and horrifying- cleansing is a must.

One of my favorite ways to cleanse is with a spray. Customizable, and less troublesome than burning things, whip up a cleansing spray with lavender hydrosol, a drop of vinegar or ammonia, a couple drops of rosemary and lavender essential oils. I like to spray myself before I get out of my work clothes and into my home clothes. It travels well, too.


Journaling, free-writing, prompt answering, is a great way to get beneath many voices and chaos and into your actual feelings. It creates a sense of space, things on the paper now take less space in your mind, and writing is useful to look back at and see how you felt about an event. Making notes of what you’re grateful for reminds you that there are still good things in the world. Journaling is also good for your mental health. If you’re worried about someone reading a journal, keep a password protected one online.

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Make Offerings-

Making offerings to the local spirits, your ancestors, and any gods you work with will get you far. If you’re seen as the source of good things, you come to be protected and loved and blessed as a “source of good things”. It honestly doesn’t take much, and many days I simply burn an incense stick dedicated to “The generous, benevolent, and helpful beings that love, bless, and protect me and my family.”

Feed the birds if you can.


Not all activism has to go head to head with the forces of evil. What do you do naturally? Easily? Find a place where that is necessary. If you can knit, knit scarves and onesies and mittens, and cat beds, and donate them to charity. Have a bunch of houseplants? Take cuttings and once you have roots, plant them up, or if you have a garden, cut some bouquets. Offer them to hospice centers, senior homes, youth centers. Nearly any hobby or skill you have can be used to make someone’s life brighter. Host a clothing swap and donate the leftovers to a local charity shop.

Sign petitions, make calls, send emails, send postcards…


I love everything about Metta, a Buddhist practice meaning “loving-kindness”. You basically start with yourself and move towards a friend, a neutral person, a challenging person, and eventually the whole world. Honestly, even if you do it for you alone, it’s a marvelous practice. Generating love for yourself is always beneficial.

Thoughts on Modern Survival

Turn it all Off-

Create a time simply for you. When are you least likely to be needed? Tell the people in your life that you’re going offline or will be out of reach on Sunday or simply go airplane mode from 10 pm- 6 am. Find something that works for you.


What works for you? What makes you feel renewed, what returns you to your homeostasis and brings you to a state of peace? What allows you to start again and face an unjust world?

For me, it’s flowers “always and always”- as Monet once said, and so my life is unabashedly floral. The bedding, my clothes, my plates, jewelry…find what you love and revel in it however you can. Violet is one of my favorite colors and brings me peace, so my pajamas, yoga mat, and bedding also lean towards violet.


The Things-

What simple, accessible things bring me joy? Try to list 10, then try and do one once a day or more. Try to find 100.

A perfect pear, my flower oracle, petting my cats, a chat with S, a chat with L, stopping for a visit to the Connecticut… you get the picture.

The Arts- What pieces of art bring you happiness? I love Angela Carter, Alice Hoffman, and Anais Nin, Bougereau, Monet, van Gogh, “The Gilmore Girls” puts me in a good mood, as does “These are Days” by 10,000 Maniacs, and “Feeling Good” by Nina Simone. “Practical Magic” and “Chocolat” are two films that leave me believing in magic again. What can you get lost in? Having these to hand helps when you feel lost in a pit of despair and are beyond making choices.

The People- Who is there for me? Who can I be myself with? Who do I always show up for? Do I need access to a therapist, masseuse, librarian?

The Resources-

Get familiar with the resources around you. I know where my Survival Center is and I know what services they offer. I (think) I understand my medical benefits. I am able to make charitable donations through my credit union (at no cost to me) and my local library has museum passes and kayaks. Take the time to discover what resources you may have access to.

It may be time to become a resource. Can you cook with dried foods, prep a fish for dinner? Do you know what wild plants around you are edible? Medicinal? Do you know First Aid/CPR? Could you learn some Sign Language or Spanish or another language that is prevalent in your area? Have you taken self defense classes?


Ask the hard questions.

Would I harbor an immigrant? Would I furnish them with clothing, food, shelter? What am I willing to put myself and my life on the line for? How do I save myself? How do I thrive under any circumstances? What else can I use my magic for?

May you live beautifully.

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Devotion Day 16; Hades

“How do you think this deity represents the values of their pantheon and cultural origins?”

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Photo by Karol D on

Well, as far as I can tell – the Greeks didn’t like dying.

They would avert their eyes when they made his offerings, he was generally worshiped once a year, and they’d pray to him by banging on the ground~ meaning they *literally* believed he was down there.

Despite his generally chill nature, let Heracles borrow Cerberus, let Eurydice go when Orpheus asked, tends not to cheat on Persephone… the Greeks appeared to fear and avoid him, often calling him names that weren’t “Hades”so as not to arouse suspicion.”Plouton” was a common substitute.


Photo by Rene Asmussen on

In his marriage to Persephone, he does kidnap her, which from my reading, is how one generally got their bride. The tradition was that the potential groom (or groom’s family) made a deal with the would-be-bride’s father and then he arrived with a chariot, and took the girl. They all followed to the Groom’s house, where the nuptials were carried out and celebrated. (I’ll put in with you that unless the Bride is in on the deal, there doesn’t seem to be a lot to celebrate.) So in that, the tale seems to reflect society’s workings at the time.




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devotion Day 15; Hades

Any mundane practices associated with this Deity?

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Are there any mundane practices? I’d imagine that rock hounding, panning for gold, funereal preparations and rites, caring for dogs~ (If you can’t find a three headed dog from Hades, a single headed dog from Earth will do.) ~farming, planting trees, sleeping, and dreaming are all things that I associate with Hades. As honey is a common offering for chthonic deities in Hellenic practice, I’d imagine beekeeping is also associated with him, same for wine making and oil production.

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Day 14 Devotion; Hades

Has worship of this deity changed in modern times?

I’d think so. I’ve said multiple times through this series that there wasn’t a lot of worship of Hades in ancient Greece and today, I see he has more followers than I’d expected, including some Brides. He will be the focus of an upcoming anthology from Biblioteca Alexandria, and he appears to be receiving a lot of attention overall. Attention doesn’t exactly equal worship or devotion, obviously, but I’d say he’s having a moment in the Pagan sphere, regardless.

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This anthology is seeking pieces for publishing:




Modern Ideas for Worship: (I can’t seem to make this be just a link, so enjoy the entire post …)



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Devotion: Hades Day 13

What modern cultural issues are closest to this deity’s heart?

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As far as I can see, he is interested in Ancestral Repair work, especially in doing what we can  for those who perished and were given no pomp or circumstance in their honor. Prayers and offerings for those who died in wars, in the slave trade, in dangerous industries (whaling, factory fires, etc) , in conquest, whether they be ancestors by blood or circumstance, tradition, or affiliation~ he appreciates all that is done in their names (known and unknown) for their healing and after life well-being. In addition, staying with your fur babies as they leave this world through accident or euthanasia. Please don’t abandon them to strangers for the last moments of their lives after they’ve given you so much.

By extension, cemetery clean ups, leaving offerings for the Dead, and caretaking of those liminal spaces of the Dead are all appreciated. If there’s an accident near you and one or more lives are lost, you can go there after the inevitable uproar has calmed, and pray, make offerings, or even take on that place for ongoing care and ceremony. (Be sure you are protected and have cleansing protocols in place for this sort of work. )

Pray for the unloved and uncelebrated among us who have passed. The Addicts, the Homeless, the Domestic Violence Victims, the Trans People, the Sex Workers, Immigrants and Children dying at the border, the animals who lose their lives for meals, in shelters, through cruelty… you can devote yourself to praying for one or more categories of the forgotten dead, once a month or so.

More importantly, do what you can for them while they are alive, whether that means signing a petition, showing up to a city hall meeting, volunteering at a homeless or animal shelter or sharing a meal.

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Photo by Engin Akyurt on

For more bang for your buck, engage with your feelings, fear, or expectations around your own death. Can you get some life insurance? My credit union gives me $1,000 of life insurance, just for being a member~ but I had to sign up. I can buy more for very little money if I’d like. It’s worth looking into so costs at end of life can be covered with less stress. Death is often a surprise no one is prepared to pay for.

Make a will, no matter how little you own, and speak to friends and family about the care of your children and pets. It may seem a bit morbid, but it need not be a big thing. I have two friends whom I have agreements with about the care of our pets in the event of death of my husband and I.

Telling your friends and family what you want out of death will make their grief easier, because they won’t be guessing at what you would have liked best. Pour some wine, put on some music, play a round of cards and just have an “At my memorial, I want…” round table with close friends. Songs, flowers, colors, foods, and poetry readings are all things to consider.

For bonus points, engage in end of life care for others and volunteer to visit hospice patients. That is very appreciated.

Gratitude for the food you’re eating, for the lives you take for your nourishment, is a wonderful practice to devote to Him.

Hades is most definitely a Lord of Death, but he wants to meet you after a life well led.

And Always, and I do mean Always, be very, very, very, nice to Persephone.

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Devotion, Day 12, Hades

Places associated with this deity and their worship.

As has been mentioned, Hades had few places of worship in ancient times, and according to, had only one in ancient Greece-  The Oracle of the Dead in Thesprotia, which is thought to be where Odysseus petitioned the Dead in “The Odyssey”.

There are however, whispers of him in other places, like The Palace of the Erinyes in Athens, Eleusis, all over Argolis he has statues and altars – though often in the palaces or sanctuaries of other deities, among them Artemis . In Amyclae, in a temple of Apollo, he stands among other deities, like Aphrodite, The Horae, and Athena. In Elis, he had his temple, but it appears he was only worshiped there once a year.

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In Coroneia, there were statues of Athena and Hades before the city. In Acharaca (Asia Minor) there was a sanctuary for Kharon (Chiron), Perdephone and Hades. He also had a shrine in Heriopolis. In Cumae, (Southern Italy) there was another Oracle of the Dead, dedicated to Persephone, Hades and “Underworld Gods” ~ it is also said to be the place that Odysseus petitioned the Dead.

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Modern places for worship would be~ historic battle grounds, cemeteries, funeral homes (maybe just leave an offering outside), mausoleums, morgues, memorial statues and monuments, rivers, farms, (in New England, a cemetery often abutts against farmland~ I often spend time in one that stands between two swaths of farmland. (Hades is often shown with food and cornucopias,one may argue that is Persephone’s influence, but  roots and root crops grow beneath the ground).

Places of tragedy, such as floods, fires, etc that end in the death of some, leaving flowers and coins is a nice service you can offer to victims, after all is said and done.


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Devotion Day 11; Hades

Times of year, day, celebrations and festivals associated with this deity.

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Photo by Johannes Plenio on

Regarding the Eulisinian Mysteries:

“In the month of Anthesterion (February) the lesser mysteries were conducted near Athens, at Agrai by the Ilissos River, as something of a preparation for the greater mysteries celebrated in Boedromion [September].”
– The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook, Marvin W. Meyer, Editor

“Pausanias, Description of Greece 6. 25. 2 :
“The sacred enclosure of Haides and its temple [in Elis] are opened once every year, but not even on this occasion is anybody permitted to enter except the priest. The following it the reason why the Eleans worship Haides; they are the only men we know of so to do.”

As you can see, there’s not a ton of details of when Hades was worshiped. The Festival at Eleusis was definitely part of his cult, as are funeral processions and so on.

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My UPG ideas:

Times of death and rebirth~ for instance, midnight, the death of one day and the birth of another, sunset and sunrise, mealtimes~ as everything we eat is dead (hopefully), the end of relationships, jobs, literal times of death, harvest times, transitions, rituals aligned with funeral rites

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Photo by Micael Widell on


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Devotion, Day 10- Hades

Offerings, Historical and UPG

Black animals, were offered to Hades and the blood was allowed to pour into a pit, because Ancient Greeks were very literal. I honestly can’t find much to tell you.

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UPG offerings: Watered wine, (popular in Hellenic traditions), pomegranate liquer, pomegranate anything, cypress, asphodel, hellebore, coins, honey, olive oil, dolmades, goat cheese, chocolate, candles, resinous incenses, cleaning up a graveyard, leaving flowers for the Dead, ancestor work, working on behalf of the neglected Dead, black licorice, figs, tobacco, bread, spices, prayer, hymns


I find that he is a pretty worldly deity who doesn’t really need a lot, in that he has access to most everything he needs. He has gems and money, cornucopias full of food, unguents and so on.  I often feel “What do I get the man who has everything?” about making offerings to him. Of course the exchange of gifts and favors builds bonds between the practitioner and the spirit, so I do suggest you make them for any relationship to thrive.

I believe he’s not a terribly popular deity, though that that does seem to be changing and so I imagine that time and attention are the most unique and meaningful things anyone can offer him. He appears to appreciate the reading of any piece of poetry, literature, or prayer that puts him in a good light, or that praises his queen. I often play a reading of the Hellenic Hymn to Hades in Ancient Greek for him, because wow can I not speak Ancient Greek. Anything you give with an open heart will probably be appreciated.

Hades Hymn in 3 Languages

My lovely friend Hester has written 3 beautiful Hades prayers.


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Devotion Day 9; Hades

Common misconceptions about this Deity~

As I see it, Hades is often seen as the killer of things. Hades doesn’t actually end your life, that is Thanatos. In some cases, Atropos, one of The Fates (or Morai) cut the thread of your life at the moment of your death.

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The Three Fates, Gottfrey Schadow, 1790

People also think Hades judges the souls of the dead, but distinction falls to:

“MinosRhadamanthus, and Aeacus are the judges of the dead. They judged the deeds of the deceased and created the laws that governed the underworld. However, none of the laws provided a true justice to the souls of the dead, and the dead did not receive rewards for following them or punishment for wicked actions.[38]

Aeacus was the guardian of the Keys of the underworld and the judge of the men of Europe. Rhadamanthys was Lord of Elysium and judge of the men of Asia. Minos was the judge of the final vote.”

A lot of people believe that Persephone is a prisoner of his, that she is trapped and held against her will each season she spends there. I don’t find this to be the case, you can always approach Persephone for her opinions on her marriage, if you’re curious.

Finally, someone mentioned that Hades is always a villain in modern media. From Disney’s “Hercules” with it’s comical hair to The Merovingian, based on Hades, in “The Matrix” and seemingly everywhere in between. In reality, Hades is pretty chill and keeps to himself, not entertaining thoughts of world domination or unseating his siblings. Read more in Spencer Alexander McDaniel’s  Hades: Not Such a Bad Guy After All


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Devotion, Hades, Day 8

Variations on this Deity and Regional Forms.

“The descent into Hades, is the same from every place.”


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Courtesy: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Hades had very few temples and places of worship, that we know of. I tend to believe that his places of worship, modern and ancient are cemeteries, mausoleums, and so on~ by that idea, he has many. I was once in a museum’s Greco~Roman exhibition, and I hoped to see Hades associated materials. Finding none, I was disappointed. Eventually it struck me that all the funereal pieces surrounding me were Hades associated materials.

Hades could be Zeus or, Zeus of the Earth/Underground

There’s even a theory that there was once only Aidoneus, and he was split into Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.

Aidoneus was a mythical king of the Mellosians in Epirus

Eita is what the Etruscans called him

Amenthes in Egypt, and Dis Pater or Pluto in Rome

Heraclitus declared that Hades and Dionysus are the same deity, it’s one of the theories of what the Eleusinian Mysteries taught it’s initiates.

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Scene from the Eulisinian Mysteries

In conclusion, it would be unusual for a deity that wasn’t widely worshiped in his own place and time to have many variations and identities. I’ve covered what a bit of research has turned up for me. If you know of any I have missed, mention them in the comments.

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